Over | Commentary | Summary |
| Match finished at 18:55 | Notton CC - 1st XI - Won by 1 wicket |
| Game over, WIN | Eddie Da Mata hits the winning runs for Notton CC |
36.3 | Lee White to Eddie Da Mata, 2 runs | |
36.2 | Lee White to Eddie Da Mata, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is Eddie Da Mata | |
36.1 | Lee White to Steve Filtness, OUT | Steve Filtness lbw Lee White 4, 7 mins, 6 balls, 1x4, 0x6 |
| End of over 36 (2 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 196 for 8, James Taylor 13 (34 balls), Steve Filtness 4 (5 balls) |
35.6 | Joe McLee to James Taylor, dot ball | |
35.5 | Joe McLee to James Taylor, dot ball | |
35.4 | Joe McLee to James Taylor, 2 runs | |
35.3 | Joe McLee to James Taylor, dot ball | |
35.2 | Joe McLee to James Taylor, dot ball | |
35.1 | Joe McLee to James Taylor, dot ball | |
| Change of bowling, Joe McLee coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 35 (4 runs, 1 wicket) | Notton CC 194 for 8, Steve Filtness 4 (5 balls), James Taylor 11 (28 balls) |
34.6 | Lee White to Steve Filtness, FOUR | |
34.5 | Lee White to Steve Filtness, dot ball | |
34.4 | Lee White to Steve Filtness, dot ball | |
34.3 | Lee White to Steve Filtness, dot ball | |
34.2 | Lee White to Steve Filtness, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is Steve Filtness | |
34.1 | Lee White to Richard Nordon, OUT | Richard Nordon caught Tom Reid bowled Lee White 80, 47 mins, 32 balls, 5x4, 8x6 |
| End of over 34 (10 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 190 for 7, James Taylor 11 (28 balls), Richard Nordon 80 (31 balls) |
33.6 | Andy Beck to Richard Nordon, single | |
33.5 | Andy Beck to James Taylor, single | |
33.4 | Andy Beck to James Taylor, FOUR | |
33.3 | Andy Beck to James Taylor, dot ball | |
33.2 | Andy Beck to James Taylor, dot ball | |
33.2 | Andy Beck to James Taylor, 3 wides | |
33.1 | Andy Beck to Richard Nordon, single | |
| Change of bowling, Andy Beck coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 33 (2 runs, 1 wicket) | Notton CC 180 for 7, James Taylor 6 (24 balls), Richard Nordon 78 (29 balls) |
32.6 | Lee White to James Taylor, dot ball | |
32.5 | Lee White to James Taylor, dot ball | |
32.4 | Lee White to James Taylor, 2 leg byes | |
32.3 | Lee White to James Taylor, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is James Taylor | Returning after retiring earlier |
32.2 | Lee White to Joe Grove, OUT | Joe Grove lbw Lee White 3, 18 mins, 9 balls, 0x4, 0x6 |
32.1 | Lee White to Joe Grove, dot ball | |
| End of over 32 (21 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 178 for 6, Richard Nordon 78 (29 balls), Joe Grove 3 (7 balls) |
31.6 | Lewis Shepherd to Richard Nordon, SIX | |
31.5 | Lewis Shepherd to Richard Nordon, dot ball | |
31.4 | Lewis Shepherd to Richard Nordon, SIX | |
31.3 | Lewis Shepherd to Richard Nordon, 2 runs | |
31.2 | Lewis Shepherd to Richard Nordon, SIX | |
31.1 | Lewis Shepherd to Joe Grove, 1 bye | |
| End of over 31 (10 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 157 for 6, Richard Nordon 58 (24 balls), Joe Grove 3 (6 balls) |
30.6 | Lee White to Richard Nordon, dot ball | |
30.5 | Lee White to Richard Nordon, dot ball | |
30.4 | Lee White to Richard Nordon, FOUR | |
30.3 | Lee White to Richard Nordon, dot ball | |
30.2 | Lee White to Joe Grove, 3 runs | |
30.1 | Lee White to Richard Nordon, 3 runs | |
| End of over 30 (11 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 147 for 6, Joe Grove 0 (5 balls), Richard Nordon 51 (19 balls) |
29.6 | Lewis Shepherd to Joe Grove, dot ball | |
29.5 | Lewis Shepherd to Richard Nordon, single | |
29.4 | Lewis Shepherd to Richard Nordon, FOUR | |
29.3 | Lewis Shepherd to Richard Nordon, dot ball | |
29.2 | Lewis Shepherd to Richard Nordon, dot ball | |
29.1 | Lewis Shepherd to Richard Nordon, SIX | |
| Change of bowling, Lewis Shepherd coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 29 (1 run, 1 wicket) | Notton CC 136 for 6, Joe Grove 0 (4 balls), Richard Nordon 40 (14 balls) |
28.6 | Lee White to Joe Grove, dot ball | |
28.6 | Lee White to Joe Grove, 1 wide | |
28.5 | Lee White to Joe Grove, dot ball | |
28.4 | Lee White to Joe Grove, dot ball | |
28.3 | Lee White to Joe Grove, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is Joe Grove | |
28.2 | Lee White to Mike Pretorius, OUT | Mike Pretorius stumped David Clayton bowled Lee White 25, 30 mins, 35 balls, 1x4, 3x6 |
28.1 | Lee White to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
| Change of bowling, Lee White coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 28 (13 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 135 for 5, Richard Nordon 40 (14 balls), Mike Pretorius 25 (33 balls) |
27.6 | Joe McLee to Mike Pretorius, 1 bye | |
27.5 | Joe McLee to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
27.4 | Joe McLee to Mike Pretorius, SIX | |
27.3 | Joe McLee to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
27.2 | Joe McLee to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
27.1 | Joe McLee to Mike Pretorius, SIX | |
| End of over 27 (13 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 122 for 5, Richard Nordon 40 (14 balls), Mike Pretorius 13 (27 balls) |
26.6 | Tom Reid to Richard Nordon, dot ball | |
26.5 | Tom Reid to Richard Nordon, dot ball | |
26.4 | Tom Reid to Richard Nordon, SIX | |
26.4 | Tom Reid to Richard Nordon, 1 wide | |
26.3 | Tom Reid to Richard Nordon, FOUR | |
26.2 | Tom Reid to Richard Nordon, dot ball | |
26.1 | Tom Reid to Richard Nordon, 2 runs | |
| End of over 26 (19 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 109 for 5, Mike Pretorius 13 (27 balls), Richard Nordon 28 (8 balls) |
25.6 | Joe McLee to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
25.5 | Joe McLee to Mike Pretorius, SIX | |
25.4 | Joe McLee to Richard Nordon, single | |
25.3 | Joe McLee to Richard Nordon, SIX | |
25.2 | Joe McLee to Richard Nordon, SIX | |
25.1 | Joe McLee to Richard Nordon, dot ball | |
| End of over 25 (4 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 90 for 5, Mike Pretorius 7 (25 balls), Richard Nordon 15 (4 balls) |
24.6 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
24.5 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
24.4 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
24.3 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, 2 leg byes | |
24.2 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
24.1 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
24.1 | Tom Reid to Richard Nordon, 2 wides | |
| End of over 24 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 86 for 5, Mike Pretorius 7 (19 balls), Richard Nordon 15 (4 balls) |
23.6 | Joe McLee to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
23.5 | Joe McLee to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
23.4 | Joe McLee to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
23.3 | Joe McLee to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
23.2 | Joe McLee to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
23.1 | Joe McLee to Richard Nordon, single | |
| End of over 23 (6 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 85 for 5, Mike Pretorius 7 (14 balls), Richard Nordon 14 (3 balls) |
22.6 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
22.5 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
22.4 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
22.3 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, 2 runs | |
22.2 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
22.1 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, FOUR | |
| End of over 22 (14 runs, 1 wicket) | Notton CC 79 for 5, Richard Nordon 14 (3 balls), Mike Pretorius 1 (8 balls) |
21.6 | Joe McLee to Richard Nordon, FOUR | |
21.5 | Joe McLee to Richard Nordon, FOUR | |
21.4 | Joe McLee to Richard Nordon, SIX | |
| The incoming batsman is Richard Nordon | |
21.3 | Joe McLee to Lee Learie, OUT | Lee Learie bowled Joe McLee 1, 22 mins, 12 balls, 0x4, 0x6 |
21.2 | Joe McLee to Lee Learie, dot ball | |
21.1 | Joe McLee to Lee Learie, dot ball | |
| Change of bowling, Joe McLee coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 21 (0 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 65 for 4, Mike Pretorius 1 (8 balls), Lee Learie 1 (9 balls) |
20.6 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
20.5 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
20.4 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
20.3 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
20.2 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
20.1 | Tom Reid to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
| End of over 20 (4 runs, 1 wicket) | Notton CC 65 for 4, Lee Learie 1 (9 balls), Mike Pretorius 1 (2 balls) |
19.6 | Luke Selwood to Lee Learie, dot ball | |
19.5 | Luke Selwood to Lee Learie, dot ball | |
19.5 | Luke Selwood to Mike Pretorius, 2 wides | |
19.4 | Luke Selwood to Mike Pretorius, dot ball | |
19.3 | Luke Selwood to Lee Learie, single | |
19.2 | Luke Selwood to Mike Pretorius, single | |
| The incoming batsman is Mike Pretorius | |
19.1 | Luke Selwood to Sam MacKay, OUT | Sam MacKay stumped David Clayton bowled Luke Selwood 1, 22 mins, 19 balls, 0x4, 0x6 |
| End of over 19 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 61 for 3, Lee Learie 0 (6 balls), Sam MacKay 1 (18 balls) |
18.6 | Tom Reid to Sam MacKay, 1 bye | |
18.5 | Tom Reid to Sam MacKay, dot ball | |
18.4 | Tom Reid to Sam MacKay, dot ball | |
18.3 | Tom Reid to Sam MacKay, dot ball | |
18.2 | Tom Reid to Sam MacKay, dot ball | |
18.1 | Tom Reid to Sam MacKay, dot ball | |
| End of over 18 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 60 for 3, Lee Learie 0 (6 balls), Sam MacKay 1 (12 balls) |
17.6 | Luke Selwood to Lee Learie, dot ball | |
17.5 | Luke Selwood to Sam MacKay, single | |
17.4 | Luke Selwood to Sam MacKay, dot ball | |
17.3 | Luke Selwood to Sam MacKay, dot ball | |
17.2 | Luke Selwood to Sam MacKay, dot ball | |
17.1 | Luke Selwood to Sam MacKay, dot ball | |
| End of over 17 (0 runs, 1 wicket) | Notton CC 59 for 3, Lee Learie 0 (5 balls), Sam MacKay 0 (7 balls) |
16.6 | Tom Reid to Lee Learie, dot ball | |
16.5 | Tom Reid to Lee Learie, dot ball | |
16.4 | Tom Reid to Lee Learie, dot ball | |
16.3 | Tom Reid to Lee Learie, dot ball | |
16.2 | Tom Reid to Lee Learie, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is Lee Learie | |
16.1 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, OUT | Jonathan Habe bowled Tom Reid 29, 60 mins, 41 balls, 3x4, 1x6 |
| End of over 16 (5 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 59 for 2, Sam MacKay 0 (7 balls), Jonathan Habe 29 (40 balls) |
15.6 | Luke Selwood to Sam MacKay, dot ball | |
15.5 | Luke Selwood to Sam MacKay, dot ball | |
15.4 | Luke Selwood to Sam MacKay, dot ball | |
15.3 | Luke Selwood to Sam MacKay, dot ball | |
15.2 | Luke Selwood to Jonathan Habe, 1 bye | |
15.1 | Luke Selwood to Jonathan Habe, FOUR | |
| End of over 15 (1 run, 1 wicket) | Notton CC 54 for 2, Sam MacKay 0 (3 balls), Jonathan Habe 25 (38 balls) |
14.5 | Tom Reid to Sam MacKay, dot ball | |
14.4 | Tom Reid to Sam MacKay, dot ball | |
14.3 | Tom Reid to Sam MacKay, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is Sam MacKay | |
14.2 | Tom Reid to Rhys Whitehead, OUT | Rhys Whitehead bowled Tom Reid 1, 8 mins, 11 balls, 0x4, 0x6 |
14.1 | Tom Reid to Rhys Whitehead, dot ball | |
14.1 | Tom Reid to Rhys Whitehead, 1 wide | |
| End of over 14 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 53 for 1, Jonathan Habe 25 (38 balls), Rhys Whitehead 1 (9 balls) |
13.6 | Luke Selwood to Rhys Whitehead, single | |
13.5 | Luke Selwood to Rhys Whitehead, dot ball | |
13.4 | Luke Selwood to Rhys Whitehead, dot ball | |
13.3 | Luke Selwood to Rhys Whitehead, dot ball | |
13.2 | Luke Selwood to Rhys Whitehead, dot ball | |
13.1 | Luke Selwood to Rhys Whitehead, dot ball | |
| End of over 13 (5 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 52 for 1, Jonathan Habe 25 (38 balls), Rhys Whitehead 0 (3 balls) |
12.6 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
12.5 | Tom Reid to Rhys Whitehead, 1 leg bye | |
12.4 | Tom Reid to Rhys Whitehead, 4 leg byes | |
12.3 | Tom Reid to Rhys Whitehead, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is Rhys Whitehead | |
12.2 | RETIRED | James Taylor retired 6, 24 mins, 20 balls, 1x4, 0x6 |
| Match restarted at 17:19 | Play continues |
| Match suspended at 17:18 | Injury |
12.2 | Tom Reid to James Taylor, dot ball | |
12.1 | Tom Reid to James Taylor, dot ball | |
| End of over 12 (0 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 47 for 1, Jonathan Habe 25 (37 balls), James Taylor 6 (18 balls) |
11.6 | Luke Selwood to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
11.5 | Luke Selwood to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
11.4 | Luke Selwood to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
11.3 | Luke Selwood to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
11.2 | Luke Selwood to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
11.1 | Luke Selwood to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
| End of over 11 (6 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 47 for 1, James Taylor 6 (18 balls), Jonathan Habe 25 (31 balls) |
10.6 | Tom Reid to James Taylor, FOUR | |
10.5 | Tom Reid to James Taylor, dot ball | |
10.4 | Tom Reid to James Taylor, dot ball | |
10.3 | Tom Reid to James Taylor, dot ball | |
10.2 | Tom Reid to James Taylor, dot ball | |
10.1 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, single | |
10.1 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, 1 wide | |
| End of over 10 (0 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 41 for 1, James Taylor 2 (13 balls), Jonathan Habe 24 (30 balls) |
9.6 | Luke Selwood to James Taylor, dot ball | |
9.5 | Luke Selwood to James Taylor, dot ball | |
9.4 | Luke Selwood to James Taylor, dot ball | |
9.3 | Luke Selwood to James Taylor, dot ball | |
9.2 | Luke Selwood to James Taylor, dot ball | |
9.1 | Luke Selwood to James Taylor, dot ball | |
| End of over 9 (2 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 41 for 1, Jonathan Habe 24 (30 balls), James Taylor 2 (7 balls) |
8.6 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, 2 runs | |
8.5 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
8.4 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
8.3 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
8.2 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
8.1 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
| End of over 8 (2 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 39 for 1, James Taylor 2 (7 balls), Jonathan Habe 22 (24 balls) |
7.6 | Luke Selwood to James Taylor, dot ball | |
7.5 | Luke Selwood to James Taylor, dot ball | |
7.4 | Luke Selwood to James Taylor, dot ball | |
7.3 | Luke Selwood to James Taylor, 2 runs | |
7.2 | Luke Selwood to James Taylor, dot ball | |
7.1 | Luke Selwood to James Taylor, dot ball | |
| End of over 7 (6 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 37 for 1, Jonathan Habe 22 (24 balls), James Taylor 0 (1 ball) |
6.6 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
6.5 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
6.4 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, 2 runs | |
6.3 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
6.2 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
6.1 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, FOUR | |
| End of over 6 (2 runs, 1 wicket) | Notton CC 31 for 1, James Taylor 0 (1 ball), Jonathan Habe 16 (18 balls) |
5.6 | Luke Selwood to James Taylor, dot ball | |
5.5 | Luke Selwood to Jonathan Habe, single | |
| The incoming batsman is James Taylor | |
5.4 | Luke Selwood to Peter Lawson, OUT | Peter Lawson caught Andy Beck bowled Luke Selwood 15, 21 mins, 17 balls, 2x4, 1x6 |
5.3 | Luke Selwood to Peter Lawson, dot ball | |
5.2 | Luke Selwood to Jonathan Habe, single | |
5.1 | Luke Selwood to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
| End of over 5 (7 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 29 for 0, Peter Lawson 15 (15 balls), Jonathan Habe 14 (15 balls) |
4.6 | Tom Reid to Peter Lawson, dot ball | |
4.5 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, single | |
4.4 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
4.3 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
4.2 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, SIX | |
4.1 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
| End of over 4 (11 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 22 for 0, Peter Lawson 15 (14 balls), Jonathan Habe 7 (10 balls) |
3.6 | Luke Selwood to Peter Lawson, SIX | |
3.5 | Luke Selwood to Peter Lawson, FOUR | |
3.4 | Luke Selwood to Peter Lawson, dot ball | |
3.3 | Luke Selwood to Peter Lawson, dot ball | |
3.2 | Luke Selwood to Peter Lawson, dot ball | |
3.1 | Luke Selwood to Jonathan Habe, single | |
| End of over 3 (5 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 11 for 0, Peter Lawson 5 (9 balls), Jonathan Habe 6 (9 balls) |
2.6 | Tom Reid to Peter Lawson, dot ball | |
2.5 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, single | |
2.4 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
2.3 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, FOUR | |
2.2 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
2.1 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
| End of over 2 (6 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 6 for 0, Peter Lawson 5 (8 balls), Jonathan Habe 1 (4 balls) |
1.6 | Luke Selwood to Peter Lawson, dot ball | |
1.5 | Luke Selwood to Peter Lawson, FOUR | |
1.4 | Luke Selwood to Peter Lawson, dot ball | |
1.3 | Luke Selwood to Peter Lawson, dot ball | |
1.2 | Luke Selwood to Peter Lawson, dot ball | |
1.1 | Luke Selwood to Peter Lawson, dot ball | |
| Change of bowling, Luke Selwood coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 1 (2 runs, 0 wickets) | Notton CC 2 for 0, Jonathan Habe 1 (4 balls), Peter Lawson 1 (2 balls) |
0.6 | Tom Reid to Peter Lawson, single | |
0.5 | Tom Reid to Peter Lawson, dot ball | |
0.4 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, single | |
0.3 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
0.2 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
0.1 | Tom Reid to Jonathan Habe, dot ball | |
| Tom Reid will open the bowling | |
| Change of bowling, Tom Reid coming on to bowl | |
| Jonathan Habe will take strike, Peter Lawson is the non-striker | |
| First innings all out at 16:06 | Stainborough CC 197 all out from 41.2 overs |
41.2 | Peter Lawson to David Clayton, OUT | David Clayton caught Lee Learie bowled Peter Lawson 3, 10 mins, 7 balls, 0x4, 0x6 |
| The incoming batsman is Shane Abson | |
41.1 | Peter Lawson to Lewis Shepherd, OUT | Lewis Shepherd caught Mike Pretorius bowled Peter Lawson 45, 73 mins, 49 balls, 6x4, 1x6 |
| Change of bowling, Peter Lawson coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 41 (10 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 197 for 8, David Clayton 3 (6 balls), Lewis Shepherd 45 (48 balls) |
40.6 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, single | |
40.5 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, SIX | |
40.4 | Jonathan Habe to David Clayton, single | |
40.3 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, 1 bye | |
40.2 | Jonathan Habe to David Clayton, single | |
40.1 | Jonathan Habe to David Clayton, dot ball | |
| End of over 40 (6 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 187 for 8, Lewis Shepherd 38 (45 balls), David Clayton 1 (3 balls) |
39.6 | Mike Pretorius to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
39.5 | Mike Pretorius to Lewis Shepherd, 2 runs | |
39.4 | Mike Pretorius to David Clayton, single | |
39.3 | Mike Pretorius to David Clayton, dot ball | |
39.2 | Mike Pretorius to Lewis Shepherd, single | |
39.1 | Mike Pretorius to Lewis Shepherd, 2 runs | |
| End of over 39 (5 runs, 1 wicket) | Stainborough CC 181 for 8, David Clayton 0 (1 ball), Lewis Shepherd 33 (41 balls) |
38.6 | Jonathan Habe to David Clayton, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is David Clayton | |
38.5 | Jonathan Habe to Luke Selwood, OUT | Luke Selwood caught Lee Learie bowled Jonathan Habe 0, 8 mins, 6 balls, 0x4, 0x6 |
38.4 | Jonathan Habe to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
38.3 | Jonathan Habe to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
38.2 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, single | |
38.1 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, FOUR | |
| End of over 38 (4 runs, 2 wickets) | Stainborough CC 176 for 7, Luke Selwood 0 (3 balls), Lewis Shepherd 28 (39 balls) |
37.6 | Mike Pretorius to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
37.5 | Mike Pretorius to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
37.5 | Mike Pretorius to Luke Selwood, 1 wide | |
37.5 | Mike Pretorius to Luke Selwood, 1 wide | |
37.5 | Mike Pretorius to Luke Selwood, 1 wide | |
37.4 | Mike Pretorius to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is Luke Selwood | |
37.3 | Mike Pretorius to Richard Mills, OUT | Richard Mills lbw Mike Pretorius 0, 3 mins, 1 ball, 0x4, 0x6 |
37.2 | Mike Pretorius to Lewis Shepherd, single | |
| The incoming batsman is Richard Mills | |
37.1 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, OUT | Lee White caught Peter Lawson bowled Mike Pretorius 21, 31 mins, 28 balls, 3x4, 1x6 |
| End of over 37 (8 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 172 for 5, Lewis Shepherd 27 (38 balls), Lee White 21 (27 balls) |
36.6 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, FOUR | |
36.5 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
36.4 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
36.3 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
36.2 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
36.1 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, FOUR | |
| End of over 36 (6 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 164 for 5, Lee White 21 (27 balls), Lewis Shepherd 19 (32 balls) |
35.6 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, dot ball | |
35.5 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, dot ball | |
35.4 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, dot ball | |
35.4 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, 1 wide | |
35.3 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, dot ball | |
35.2 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, FOUR | |
35.2 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, 1 wide | |
35.1 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, dot ball | |
| End of over 35 (2 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 158 for 5, Lewis Shepherd 19 (32 balls), Lee White 17 (21 balls) |
34.6 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
34.5 | Jonathan Habe to Lee White, single | |
34.4 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, single | |
34.3 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
34.2 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
34.1 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
| End of over 34 (4 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 156 for 5, Lee White 16 (20 balls), Lewis Shepherd 18 (27 balls) |
33.6 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, dot ball | |
33.5 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, FOUR | |
33.4 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, dot ball | |
33.3 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, dot ball | |
33.2 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, dot ball | |
33.1 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, dot ball | |
| End of over 33 (18 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 152 for 5, Lewis Shepherd 18 (27 balls), Lee White 12 (14 balls) |
32.6 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, FOUR | |
32.5 | Jonathan Habe to Lee White, single | |
32.4 | Jonathan Habe to Lee White, FOUR | |
32.3 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, single | |
32.2 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, FOUR | |
32.1 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, FOUR | |
| End of over 32 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 134 for 5, Lee White 7 (12 balls), Lewis Shepherd 5 (23 balls) |
31.6 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, dot ball | |
31.5 | Mike Pretorius to Lewis Shepherd, single | |
31.4 | Mike Pretorius to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
31.3 | Mike Pretorius to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
31.2 | Mike Pretorius to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
31.1 | Mike Pretorius to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
| Match restarted at 15:23 | Play continues |
| Match suspended at 15:20 | Drinks |
| End of over 31 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 133 for 5, Lee White 7 (11 balls), Lewis Shepherd 4 (18 balls) |
30.6 | Jonathan Habe to Lee White, dot ball | |
30.5 | Jonathan Habe to Lee White, dot ball | |
30.4 | Jonathan Habe to Lee White, dot ball | |
30.3 | Jonathan Habe to Lee White, dot ball | |
30.2 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, single | |
30.1 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
| End of over 30 (6 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 132 for 5, Lee White 7 (7 balls), Lewis Shepherd 3 (16 balls) |
29.6 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, dot ball | |
29.5 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, SIX | |
29.4 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, dot ball | |
29.3 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, dot ball | |
29.2 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, dot ball | |
29.1 | Mike Pretorius to Lee White, dot ball | |
| Change of bowling, Mike Pretorius coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 29 (1 run, 1 wicket) | Stainborough CC 126 for 5, Lewis Shepherd 3 (16 balls), Lee White 1 (1 ball) |
28.6 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
28.5 | Jonathan Habe to Lee White, single | |
| The incoming batsman is Lee White | |
28.4 | Jonathan Habe to Tom Reid, OUT | Tom Reid caught Richard Nordon bowled Jonathan Habe 9, 18 mins, 18 balls, 0x4, 1x6 |
28.3 | Jonathan Habe to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
28.2 | Jonathan Habe to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
28.1 | Jonathan Habe to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
| End of over 28 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 125 for 4, Lewis Shepherd 3 (15 balls), Tom Reid 9 (14 balls) |
27.6 | Lee Learie to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
27.5 | Lee Learie to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
27.4 | Lee Learie to Tom Reid, single | |
27.3 | Lee Learie to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
27.2 | Lee Learie to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
27.1 | Lee Learie to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
| End of over 27 (2 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 124 for 4, Lewis Shepherd 3 (13 balls), Tom Reid 8 (10 balls) |
26.6 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
26.5 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
26.4 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
26.3 | Jonathan Habe to Tom Reid, single | |
26.2 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, single | |
26.1 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
| End of over 26 (6 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 122 for 4, Tom Reid 7 (9 balls), Lewis Shepherd 2 (8 balls) |
25.6 | Lee Learie to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
25.5 | Lee Learie to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
25.4 | Lee Learie to Tom Reid, SIX | |
25.3 | Lee Learie to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
25.2 | Lee Learie to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
25.1 | Lee Learie to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
| End of over 25 (2 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 116 for 4, Lewis Shepherd 2 (8 balls), Tom Reid 1 (3 balls) |
24.6 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
24.5 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
24.4 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
24.3 | Jonathan Habe to Tom Reid, single | |
24.2 | Jonathan Habe to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
24.1 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, single | |
| End of over 24 (0 runs, 1 wicket) | Stainborough CC 114 for 4, Tom Reid 0 (1 ball), Lewis Shepherd 1 (4 balls) |
23.6 | Lee Learie to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is Tom Reid | |
23.5 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, OUT | Andy Beck caught Jonathan Habe bowled Lee Learie 64, 97 mins, 72 balls, 7x4, 4x6 |
23.4 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
23.3 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
23.2 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
23.1 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
| End of over 23 (4 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 114 for 3, Lewis Shepherd 1 (4 balls), Andy Beck 64 (67 balls) |
22.6 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
22.5 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
22.4 | Jonathan Habe to Andy Beck, single | |
22.3 | Jonathan Habe to Andy Beck, 2 runs | |
22.2 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, single | |
22.1 | Jonathan Habe to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
| End of over 22 (0 runs, 1 wicket) | Stainborough CC 110 for 3, Andy Beck 61 (65 balls), Lewis Shepherd 0 (0 balls) |
21.6 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
21.5 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is Lewis Shepherd | |
21.4 | Lee Learie to Brad Wood, OUT | Brad Wood caught Mike Pretorius bowled Lee Learie 4, 21 mins, 20 balls, 0x4, 0x6 |
21.3 | Lee Learie to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
21.2 | Lee Learie to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
21.1 | Lee Learie to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
| End of over 21 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 110 for 2, Andy Beck 61 (63 balls), Brad Wood 4 (16 balls) |
20.6 | Jonathan Habe to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
20.5 | Jonathan Habe to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
20.4 | Jonathan Habe to Brad Wood, single | |
20.3 | Jonathan Habe to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
20.2 | Jonathan Habe to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
20.1 | Jonathan Habe to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
| End of over 20 (3 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 109 for 2, Andy Beck 61 (61 balls), Brad Wood 3 (12 balls) |
19.6 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
19.5 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, 2 leg byes | |
19.4 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
19.3 | Lee Learie to Brad Wood, single | |
19.2 | Lee Learie to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
19.1 | Lee Learie to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
| End of over 19 (17 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 106 for 2, Andy Beck 61 (58 balls), Brad Wood 2 (9 balls) |
18.6 | Jonathan Habe to Andy Beck, FOUR | |
18.5 | Jonathan Habe to Brad Wood, single | |
18.4 | Jonathan Habe to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
18.3 | Jonathan Habe to Andy Beck, SIX | |
18.2 | Jonathan Habe to Andy Beck, SIX | |
18.1 | Jonathan Habe to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
| End of over 18 (0 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 89 for 2, Brad Wood 1 (8 balls), Andy Beck 45 (53 balls) |
17.6 | Lee Learie to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
17.5 | Lee Learie to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
17.4 | Lee Learie to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
17.3 | Lee Learie to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
17.2 | Lee Learie to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
17.1 | Lee Learie to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
| End of over 17 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 89 for 2, Andy Beck 45 (53 balls), Brad Wood 1 (2 balls) |
16.6 | Jonathan Habe to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
16.5 | Jonathan Habe to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
16.4 | Jonathan Habe to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
16.3 | Jonathan Habe to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
16.2 | Jonathan Habe to Brad Wood, single | |
16.1 | Jonathan Habe to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
| Change of bowling, Jonathan Habe coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 16 (11 runs, 1 wicket) | Stainborough CC 88 for 2, Andy Beck 45 (49 balls), Brad Wood 0 (0 balls) |
| The incoming batsman is Brad Wood | |
15.7 | Lee Learie to Joe McLee, OUT | Joe McLee caught Eddie Da Mata bowled Lee Learie 4, 14 mins, 11 balls, 1x4, 0x6 |
15.6 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, single | |
15.5 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, SIX | |
15.4 | Lee Learie to Joe McLee, dot ball | |
15.3 | Lee Learie to Joe McLee, FOUR | |
15.2 | Lee Learie to Joe McLee, dot ball | |
15.1 | Lee Learie to Joe McLee, dot ball | |
| Match restarted at 14:17 | Play continues |
| Match suspended at 14:14 | Drinks |
| End of over 15 (10 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 77 for 1, Andy Beck 38 (47 balls), Joe McLee 0 (6 balls) |
14.6 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
14.6 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, 1 wide | |
14.5 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
14.4 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
14.3 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
14.3 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, 1 wide | |
14.2 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, FOUR | |
14.1 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, FOUR | |
| End of over 14 (0 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 67 for 1, Joe McLee 0 (6 balls), Andy Beck 30 (41 balls) |
13.6 | Lee Learie to Joe McLee, dot ball | |
13.5 | Lee Learie to Joe McLee, dot ball | |
13.4 | Lee Learie to Joe McLee, dot ball | |
13.3 | Lee Learie to Joe McLee, dot ball | |
13.2 | Lee Learie to Joe McLee, dot ball | |
13.1 | Lee Learie to Joe McLee, dot ball | |
| End of over 13 (4 runs, 1 wicket) | Stainborough CC 67 for 1, Andy Beck 30 (41 balls), Joe McLee 0 (0 balls) |
| The incoming batsman is Joe McLee | |
12.6 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, OUT | Callum French caught Peter Lawson bowled Mike Pretorius 26, 56 mins, 37 balls, 5x4, 0x6 |
12.5 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, dot ball | |
12.4 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, dot ball | |
12.3 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, dot ball | |
12.2 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, FOUR | |
12.1 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, dot ball | |
| End of over 12 (5 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 63 for 0, Andy Beck 30 (41 balls), Callum French 22 (31 balls) |
11.6 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, FOUR | |
11.5 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
11.4 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
11.3 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
11.2 | Lee Learie to Callum French, single | |
11.1 | Lee Learie to Callum French, dot ball | |
| End of over 11 (4 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 58 for 0, Andy Beck 26 (37 balls), Callum French 21 (29 balls) |
10.6 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
10.5 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
10.4 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
10.3 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
10.2 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
10.1 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, FOUR | |
| End of over 10 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 54 for 0, Callum French 21 (29 balls), Andy Beck 22 (31 balls) |
9.6 | Lee Learie to Callum French, dot ball | |
9.5 | Lee Learie to Callum French, dot ball | |
9.4 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, single | |
9.3 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
9.2 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
9.1 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
| End of over 9 (8 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 53 for 0, Callum French 21 (27 balls), Andy Beck 21 (27 balls) |
8.6 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, dot ball | |
8.5 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, dot ball | |
8.4 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, dot ball | |
8.3 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, dot ball | |
8.2 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, FOUR | |
8.1 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, FOUR | |
| End of over 8 (8 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 45 for 0, Andy Beck 21 (27 balls), Callum French 13 (21 balls) |
7.6 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
7.5 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
7.4 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
7.3 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
7.2 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, FOUR | |
7.1 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, FOUR | |
| End of over 7 (6 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 37 for 0, Callum French 13 (21 balls), Andy Beck 13 (21 balls) |
6.6 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, 2 runs | |
6.5 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, dot ball | |
6.5 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, 2 wides | |
6.4 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
6.3 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, 2 runs | |
6.2 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
6.1 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
| End of over 6 (7 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 31 for 0, Callum French 11 (19 balls), Andy Beck 11 (17 balls) |
5.6 | Lee Learie to Callum French, FOUR | |
5.5 | Lee Learie to Callum French, dot ball | |
5.4 | Lee Learie to Callum French, dot ball | |
5.3 | Lee Learie to Callum French, 2 runs | |
5.2 | Lee Learie to Callum French, dot ball | |
5.1 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, single | |
| End of over 5 (4 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 24 for 0, Callum French 5 (14 balls), Andy Beck 10 (16 balls) |
4.6 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, dot ball | |
4.5 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, dot ball | |
4.5 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, 1 wide | |
4.4 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, dot ball | |
4.3 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, single | |
4.2 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
4.1 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, 2 runs | |
| End of over 4 (6 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 20 for 0, Callum French 5 (11 balls), Andy Beck 7 (13 balls) |
3.6 | Lee Learie to Callum French, dot ball | |
3.5 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, single | |
3.4 | Lee Learie to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
3.3 | Lee Learie to Callum French, 1 leg bye | |
3.2 | Lee Learie to Callum French, dot ball | |
3.1 | Lee Learie to Callum French, FOUR | |
| End of over 3 (13 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 14 for 0, Andy Beck 6 (11 balls), Callum French 1 (7 balls) |
2.6 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
2.5 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
2.5 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, 1 wide | |
2.4 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
2.3 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
2.3 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, 1 wide | |
2.3 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, 1 wide | |
2.2 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, SIX | |
2.2 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, 1 wide | |
2.1 | Mike Pretorius to Callum French, single | |
2.1 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, 2 wides | |
| End of over 2 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 1 for 0, Callum French 0 (6 balls), Andy Beck 0 (6 balls) |
1.6 | Lee Learie to Callum French, dot ball | |
| Match restarted at 13:13 | Play continues |
| Match suspended at 13:13 | Interval |
1.5 | Lee Learie to Callum French, dot ball | |
1.4 | Lee Learie to Callum French, dot ball | |
1.3 | Lee Learie to Callum French, dot ball | |
1.2 | Lee Learie to Callum French, dot ball | |
1.1 | Lee Learie to Callum French, dot ball | |
| Change of bowling, Lee Learie coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 1 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 1 for 0, Andy Beck 0 (6 balls), Callum French 0 (0 balls) |
0.6 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
0.5 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
0.4 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
0.3 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
0.2 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
0.1 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
0.1 | Mike Pretorius to Andy Beck, 1 wide | |
| Match started at 13:06 | |
| Mike Pretorius will open the bowling | |
| Change of bowling, Mike Pretorius coming on to bowl | |
| Andy Beck will take strike, Callum French is the non-striker | |
| Stainborough CC won the toss and chose to bat | |
| Match created at 12:51 | |