Over | Commentary | Summary |
| Match finished at 18:35 | Glasshoughton CC - 1st XI - Won by 120 runs |
| Game over, WIN | The last wicket has won the game for Glasshoughton CC |
37.4 | Richard Caunce to David Clayton, OUT | David Clayton caught Liam Hopton bowled Richard Caunce 6, 25 mins, 23 balls, 0x4, 0x6 |
37.3 | Richard Caunce to David Clayton, dot ball | |
37.2 | Richard Caunce to David Clayton, dot ball | |
37.1 | Richard Caunce to David Clayton, dot ball | |
| End of over 37 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 110 for 9, Shane Abson 14 (18 balls), David Clayton 6 (19 balls) |
36.6 | Jake Medley to Shane Abson, dot ball | |
36.5 | Jake Medley to Shane Abson, dot ball | |
36.4 | Jake Medley to Shane Abson, dot ball | |
36.3 | Jake Medley to Shane Abson, dot ball | |
36.2 | Jake Medley to David Clayton, single | |
36.1 | Jake Medley to David Clayton, dot ball | |
| Change of bowling, Jake Medley coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 36 (5 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 109 for 9, Shane Abson 14 (14 balls), David Clayton 5 (17 balls) |
35.6 | Richard Caunce to Shane Abson, FOUR | |
35.5 | Richard Caunce to David Clayton, single | |
35.4 | Richard Caunce to David Clayton, dot ball | |
35.3 | Richard Caunce to David Clayton, dot ball | |
35.2 | Richard Caunce to David Clayton, dot ball | |
35.1 | Richard Caunce to David Clayton, dot ball | |
| Change of bowling, Richard Caunce coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 35 (11 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 104 for 9, Shane Abson 10 (13 balls), David Clayton 4 (12 balls) |
34.6 | Clinton Speight to Shane Abson, FOUR | |
34.5 | Clinton Speight to Shane Abson, dot ball | |
34.4 | Clinton Speight to Shane Abson, dot ball | |
34.3 | Clinton Speight to Shane Abson, SIX | |
34.2 | Clinton Speight to David Clayton, single | |
34.1 | Clinton Speight to David Clayton, dot ball | |
| End of over 34 (4 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 93 for 9, Shane Abson 0 (9 balls), David Clayton 3 (10 balls) |
33.6 | Rob Sperrin to Shane Abson, dot ball | |
33.5 | Rob Sperrin to Shane Abson, dot ball | |
33.4 | Rob Sperrin to Shane Abson, dot ball | |
33.3 | Rob Sperrin to Shane Abson, dot ball | |
33.2 | Rob Sperrin to David Clayton, single | |
33.1 | Rob Sperrin to David Clayton, dot ball | |
33.1 | Rob Sperrin to David Clayton, 3 wides | |
| End of over 33 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 89 for 9, Shane Abson 0 (5 balls), David Clayton 2 (8 balls) |
32.6 | Clinton Speight to Shane Abson, dot ball | |
32.5 | Clinton Speight to David Clayton, single | |
32.4 | Clinton Speight to David Clayton, dot ball | |
32.3 | Clinton Speight to David Clayton, dot ball | |
32.2 | Clinton Speight to David Clayton, dot ball | |
32.1 | Clinton Speight to David Clayton, dot ball | |
| End of over 32 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 88 for 9, Shane Abson 0 (4 balls), David Clayton 1 (3 balls) |
31.6 | Rob Sperrin to Shane Abson, dot ball | |
31.5 | Rob Sperrin to Shane Abson, dot ball | |
31.4 | Rob Sperrin to Shane Abson, dot ball | |
31.3 | Rob Sperrin to Shane Abson, dot ball | |
31.2 | Rob Sperrin to David Clayton, single | |
31.1 | Rob Sperrin to David Clayton, dot ball | |
| End of over 31 (2 runs, 1 wicket) | Stainborough CC 87 for 9, Shane Abson 0 (0 balls), David Clayton 0 (1 ball) |
| The incoming batsman is Shane Abson | |
30.6 | Clinton Speight to Luke Selwood, OUT | Luke Selwood bowled Clinton Speight 1, 21 mins, 23 balls, 0x4, 0x6 |
30.5 | Clinton Speight to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
30.4 | Clinton Speight to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
30.3 | Clinton Speight to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
30.2 | Clinton Speight to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
30.1 | Clinton Speight to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
30.1 | Clinton Speight to Luke Selwood, 1 wide | |
30.1 | Clinton Speight to Luke Selwood, 1 wide | |
| Change of bowling, Clinton Speight coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 30 (0 runs, 1 wicket) | Stainborough CC 85 for 8, David Clayton 0 (1 ball), Luke Selwood 1 (17 balls) |
29.6 | Rob Sperrin to David Clayton, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is David Clayton | |
29.5 | Rob Sperrin to Tom Reid, OUT | Tom Reid caught Richard Caunce bowled Rob Sperrin 23, 33 mins, 28 balls, 2x4, 1x6 |
29.4 | Rob Sperrin to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
29.3 | Rob Sperrin to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
29.2 | Rob Sperrin to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
29.1 | Rob Sperrin to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
| Change of bowling, Rob Sperrin coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 29 (3 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 85 for 7, Luke Selwood 1 (17 balls), Tom Reid 23 (23 balls) |
28.6 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, single | |
28.5 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
28.4 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
28.3 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
28.2 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
28.1 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, 2 runs | |
| End of over 28 (0 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 82 for 7, Luke Selwood 1 (17 balls), Tom Reid 20 (17 balls) |
27.6 | Noor Sahaq to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
27.5 | Noor Sahaq to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
27.4 | Noor Sahaq to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
27.3 | Noor Sahaq to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
27.2 | Noor Sahaq to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
27.1 | Noor Sahaq to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
| End of over 27 (2 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 82 for 7, Tom Reid 20 (17 balls), Luke Selwood 1 (11 balls) |
26.6 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
26.5 | Alex Clemo to Luke Selwood, 1 leg bye | |
26.4 | Alex Clemo to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
26.3 | Alex Clemo to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
26.2 | Alex Clemo to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
26.1 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, single | |
| End of over 26 (0 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 80 for 7, Luke Selwood 1 (7 balls), Tom Reid 19 (15 balls) |
25.6 | Noor Sahaq to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
25.5 | Noor Sahaq to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
25.4 | Noor Sahaq to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
25.3 | Noor Sahaq to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
25.2 | Noor Sahaq to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
25.1 | Noor Sahaq to Luke Selwood, dot ball | |
| End of over 25 (12 runs, 1 wicket) | Stainborough CC 80 for 7, Tom Reid 19 (15 balls), Luke Selwood 1 (1 ball) |
24.6 | Alex Clemo to Luke Selwood, single | |
| The incoming batsman is Luke Selwood | |
24.5 | Alex Clemo to Ashley Potter, OUT | Ashley Potter bowled Alex Clemo 2, 22 mins, 13 balls, 0x4, 0x6 |
24.4 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, single | |
24.3 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
24.2 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, SIX | |
24.1 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, FOUR | |
| End of over 24 (2 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 68 for 6, Ashley Potter 2 (12 balls), Tom Reid 8 (11 balls) |
23.6 | Noor Sahaq to Ashley Potter, dot ball | |
23.5 | Noor Sahaq to Ashley Potter, dot ball | |
23.4 | Noor Sahaq to Tom Reid, single | |
23.3 | Noor Sahaq to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
23.2 | Noor Sahaq to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
23.2 | Noor Sahaq to Tom Reid, 1 no ball | |
23.1 | Noor Sahaq to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
| End of over 23 (7 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 66 for 6, Ashley Potter 2 (10 balls), Tom Reid 7 (6 balls) |
22.6 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, single | |
22.5 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
22.4 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
22.3 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, 2 runs | |
22.2 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, dot ball | |
22.1 | Alex Clemo to Tom Reid, FOUR | |
| End of over 22 (2 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 59 for 6, Ashley Potter 2 (10 balls), Tom Reid 0 (0 balls) |
21.6 | Noor Sahaq to Ashley Potter, dot ball | |
21.5 | Noor Sahaq to Ashley Potter, dot ball | |
21.4 | Noor Sahaq to Ashley Potter, dot ball | |
21.3 | Noor Sahaq to Ashley Potter, dot ball | |
21.2 | Noor Sahaq to Ashley Potter, 2 runs | |
21.1 | Noor Sahaq to Ashley Potter, dot ball | |
| End of over 21 (8 runs, 1 wicket) | Stainborough CC 57 for 6, Tom Reid 0 (0 balls), Ashley Potter 0 (4 balls) |
| The incoming batsman is Tom Reid | |
20.6 | Alex Clemo to Lewis Shepherd, OUT | Lewis Shepherd bowled Alex Clemo 9, 12 mins, 10 balls, 2x4, 0x6 |
20.5 | Alex Clemo to Lewis Shepherd, FOUR | |
20.4 | Alex Clemo to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
20.3 | Alex Clemo to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
20.2 | Alex Clemo to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
20.1 | Alex Clemo to Lewis Shepherd, FOUR | |
| End of over 20 (0 runs, 1 wicket) | Stainborough CC 49 for 5, Ashley Potter 0 (4 balls), Lewis Shepherd 1 (4 balls) |
19.6 | Noor Sahaq to Ashley Potter, dot ball | |
19.5 | Noor Sahaq to Ashley Potter, dot ball | |
19.4 | Noor Sahaq to Ashley Potter, dot ball | |
19.3 | Noor Sahaq to Ashley Potter, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is Ashley Potter | |
19.2 | Noor Sahaq to Mark France, OUT | Mark France bowled Noor Sahaq 5, 10 mins, 6 balls, 1x4, 0x6 |
19.1 | Noor Sahaq to Mark France, dot ball | |
| End of over 19 (3 runs, 1 wicket) | Stainborough CC 49 for 4, Lewis Shepherd 1 (4 balls), Mark France 5 (4 balls) |
18.6 | Alex Clemo to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
18.5 | Alex Clemo to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
18.5 | Alex Clemo to Lewis Shepherd, 1 wide | |
18.4 | Alex Clemo to Lewis Shepherd, dot ball | |
18.3 | Alex Clemo to Mark France, single | |
18.2 | Alex Clemo to Lewis Shepherd, single | |
| The incoming batsman is Lewis Shepherd | |
18.1 | Alex Clemo to Brad Wood, OUT | Brad Wood bowled Alex Clemo 11, 43 mins, 33 balls, 1x4, 0x6 |
| End of over 18 (4 runs, 1 wicket) | Stainborough CC 46 for 3, Mark France 4 (3 balls), Brad Wood 11 (32 balls) |
17.6 | Noor Sahaq to Mark France, dot ball | |
17.5 | Noor Sahaq to Mark France, dot ball | |
17.4 | Noor Sahaq to Mark France, FOUR | |
| The incoming batsman is Mark France | |
17.3 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, OUT | Jonathan Pepper caught Craig Bryant bowled Noor Sahaq 17, 65 mins, 52 balls, 2x4, 0x6 |
17.2 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
17.1 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
| End of over 17 (2 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 42 for 2, Brad Wood 11 (32 balls), Jonathan Pepper 17 (49 balls) |
16.6 | Alex Clemo to Jonathan Pepper, single | |
16.5 | Alex Clemo to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
16.4 | Alex Clemo to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
16.3 | Alex Clemo to Brad Wood, single | |
16.2 | Alex Clemo to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
16.1 | Alex Clemo to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
| End of over 16 (2 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 40 for 2, Jonathan Pepper 16 (46 balls), Brad Wood 10 (29 balls) |
15.6 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
15.5 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
15.4 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
15.3 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
15.2 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, 2 runs | |
15.1 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
| End of over 15 (3 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 38 for 2, Brad Wood 10 (29 balls), Jonathan Pepper 14 (40 balls) |
14.6 | Alex Clemo to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
14.5 | Alex Clemo to Jonathan Pepper, single | |
14.4 | Alex Clemo to Brad Wood, single | |
14.3 | Alex Clemo to Jonathan Pepper, single | |
14.2 | Alex Clemo to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
14.1 | Alex Clemo to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
| Change of bowling, Alex Clemo coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 14 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 35 for 2, Brad Wood 9 (27 balls), Jonathan Pepper 12 (36 balls) |
13.6 | Noor Sahaq to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
13.5 | Noor Sahaq to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
13.4 | Noor Sahaq to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
13.3 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, single | |
13.2 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
13.1 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
| End of over 13 (4 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 34 for 2, Brad Wood 9 (24 balls), Jonathan Pepper 11 (33 balls) |
12.6 | Jake Medley to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
12.5 | Jake Medley to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
12.4 | Jake Medley to Brad Wood, FOUR | |
12.3 | Jake Medley to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
12.2 | Jake Medley to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
12.1 | Jake Medley to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
| End of over 12 (3 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 30 for 2, Jonathan Pepper 11 (33 balls), Brad Wood 5 (18 balls) |
11.6 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
11.5 | Noor Sahaq to Brad Wood, single | |
11.4 | Noor Sahaq to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
11.3 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, single | |
11.2 | Noor Sahaq to Brad Wood, single | |
11.1 | Noor Sahaq to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
| End of over 11 (2 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 27 for 2, Jonathan Pepper 10 (31 balls), Brad Wood 3 (14 balls) |
10.6 | Jake Medley to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
10.5 | Jake Medley to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
10.4 | Jake Medley to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
10.3 | Jake Medley to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
10.2 | Jake Medley to Brad Wood, single | |
10.2 | Jake Medley to Brad Wood, 1 wide | |
10.1 | Jake Medley to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
| End of over 10 (4 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 25 for 2, Jonathan Pepper 10 (27 balls), Brad Wood 2 (12 balls) |
9.6 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
9.5 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
9.4 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
9.3 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
9.2 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
9.1 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, FOUR | |
| End of over 9 (3 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 21 for 2, Brad Wood 2 (12 balls), Jonathan Pepper 6 (21 balls) |
8.6 | Jake Medley to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
8.6 | Jake Medley to Jonathan Pepper, 1 no ball and 1 run | |
8.5 | Jake Medley to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
8.4 | Jake Medley to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
8.3 | Jake Medley to Brad Wood, 1 bye | |
8.2 | Jake Medley to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
8.1 | Jake Medley to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
| End of over 8 (2 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 18 for 2, Jonathan Pepper 5 (18 balls), Brad Wood 2 (8 balls) |
7.6 | Noor Sahaq to Brad Wood, single | |
7.5 | Noor Sahaq to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
7.4 | Noor Sahaq to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
7.4 | Noor Sahaq to Brad Wood, 1 wide | |
7.3 | Noor Sahaq to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
7.2 | Noor Sahaq to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
7.1 | Noor Sahaq to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
| End of over 7 (1 run, 1 wicket) | Stainborough CC 16 for 2, Jonathan Pepper 5 (18 balls), Brad Wood 1 (2 balls) |
6.6 | Jake Medley to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
6.5 | Jake Medley to Brad Wood, single | |
6.4 | Jake Medley to Brad Wood, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is Brad Wood | |
6.3 | Jake Medley to Jonathan Pepper, 0 runs, OUT | Dave Webster run out (Noor Sahaq) 0, 6 mins, 3 balls, 0x4, 0x6 |
6.2 | Jake Medley to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
6.1 | Jake Medley to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
| End of over 6 (1 run, 1 wicket) | Stainborough CC 15 for 1, Dave Webster 0 (3 balls), Jonathan Pepper 5 (14 balls) |
5.6 | Noor Sahaq to Dave Webster, dot ball | |
5.5 | Noor Sahaq to Dave Webster, dot ball | |
5.4 | Noor Sahaq to Dave Webster, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is Dave Webster | |
5.3 | Noor Sahaq to Andy Beck, OUT | Andy Beck caught Rob Sperrin bowled Noor Sahaq 10, 21 mins, 19 balls, 2x4, 0x6 |
5.2 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, single | |
5.1 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
| End of over 5 (8 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 14 for 0, Andy Beck 10 (18 balls), Jonathan Pepper 4 (12 balls) |
4.6 | Jake Medley to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
4.5 | Jake Medley to Andy Beck, FOUR | |
4.4 | Jake Medley to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
4.3 | Jake Medley to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
4.2 | Jake Medley to Andy Beck, FOUR | |
4.1 | Jake Medley to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
| End of over 4 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 6 for 0, Jonathan Pepper 4 (12 balls), Andy Beck 2 (12 balls) |
3.6 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
3.5 | Noor Sahaq to Andy Beck, single | |
3.4 | Noor Sahaq to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
3.3 | Noor Sahaq to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
3.2 | Noor Sahaq to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
3.1 | Noor Sahaq to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
| End of over 3 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 5 for 0, Jonathan Pepper 4 (11 balls), Andy Beck 1 (7 balls) |
2.6 | Jake Medley to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
2.5 | Jake Medley to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
2.4 | Jake Medley to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
2.3 | Jake Medley to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
2.2 | Jake Medley to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
2.1 | Jake Medley to Andy Beck, single | |
| End of over 2 (4 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 4 for 0, Jonathan Pepper 4 (6 balls), Andy Beck 0 (6 balls) |
1.6 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
1.5 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
1.4 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, FOUR | |
1.3 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
1.2 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
1.1 | Noor Sahaq to Jonathan Pepper, dot ball | |
| Change of bowling, Noor Sahaq coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 1 (0 runs, 0 wickets) | Stainborough CC 0 for 0, Andy Beck 0 (6 balls), Jonathan Pepper 0 (0 balls) |
0.6 | Jake Medley to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
0.5 | Jake Medley to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
0.4 | Jake Medley to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
0.3 | Jake Medley to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
0.2 | Jake Medley to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
0.1 | Jake Medley to Andy Beck, dot ball | |
| Jake Medley will open the bowling | |
| Change of bowling, Jake Medley coming on to bowl | |
| Andy Beck will take strike, Jonathan Pepper is the non-striker | |
| Second innings started at 16:15 | Stainborough CC require 231 to win from 46 overs |
| First innings overs complete at 15:50 | Glasshoughton CC 230 for 6 from 46 overs |
| End of over 46 (3 runs, 1 wicket) | Glasshoughton CC 230 for 6, Jake Medley 0 (0 balls), Alex Clemo 67 (88 balls) |
| The incoming batsman is Jake Medley | |
45.6 | Andy Beck to Richard Caunce, OUT | Richard Caunce bowled Andy Beck 7, 10 mins, 14 balls, 1x4, 0x6 |
45.5 | Andy Beck to Alex Clemo, single | |
45.4 | Andy Beck to Richard Caunce, single | |
45.3 | Andy Beck to Richard Caunce, dot ball | |
45.2 | Andy Beck to Richard Caunce, dot ball | |
45.1 | Andy Beck to Alex Clemo, single | |
| End of over 45 (8 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 227 for 5, Richard Caunce 6 (10 balls), Alex Clemo 65 (86 balls) |
44.6 | Tom Reid to Richard Caunce, dot ball | |
44.5 | Tom Reid to Richard Caunce, dot ball | |
44.4 | Tom Reid to Richard Caunce, dot ball | |
44.3 | Tom Reid to Richard Caunce, FOUR | |
44.2 | Tom Reid to Richard Caunce, 2 runs | |
44.1 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, 1 leg bye | |
44.1 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, 1 no ball | |
| End of over 44 (0 runs, 1 wicket) | Glasshoughton CC 219 for 5, Richard Caunce 0 (5 balls), Alex Clemo 65 (84 balls) |
43.6 | Andy Beck to Richard Caunce, dot ball | |
43.5 | Andy Beck to Richard Caunce, dot ball | |
43.4 | Andy Beck to Richard Caunce, dot ball | |
43.3 | Andy Beck to Richard Caunce, dot ball | |
43.2 | Andy Beck to Richard Caunce, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is Richard Caunce | |
43.1 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, OUT | Adam Palmer caught David Clayton bowled Andy Beck 36, 74 mins, 71 balls, 4x4, 1x6 |
| End of over 43 (3 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 219 for 4, Alex Clemo 65 (84 balls), Adam Palmer 36 (70 balls) |
42.6 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
42.5 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
42.4 | Tom Reid to Adam Palmer, single | |
42.3 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, single | |
42.2 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
42.1 | Tom Reid to Adam Palmer, single | |
| End of over 42 (6 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 216 for 4, Alex Clemo 64 (80 balls), Adam Palmer 34 (68 balls) |
41.6 | Andy Beck to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
41.5 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, single | |
41.4 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
41.3 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, FOUR | |
41.2 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
41.1 | Andy Beck to Alex Clemo, single | |
| End of over 41 (13 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 210 for 4, Adam Palmer 29 (64 balls), Alex Clemo 63 (78 balls) |
40.6 | Tom Reid to Adam Palmer, SIX | |
40.6 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, 2 wides | |
40.5 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
40.4 | Tom Reid to Adam Palmer, single | |
40.3 | Tom Reid to Adam Palmer, FOUR | |
40.2 | Tom Reid to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
40.1 | Tom Reid to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
| End of over 40 (9 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 197 for 4, Alex Clemo 63 (77 balls), Adam Palmer 18 (59 balls) |
39.6 | Andy Beck to Alex Clemo, FOUR | |
39.5 | Andy Beck to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
39.4 | Andy Beck to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
39.3 | Andy Beck to Alex Clemo, FOUR | |
39.2 | Andy Beck to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
39.1 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, single | |
| End of over 39 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 188 for 4, Alex Clemo 55 (72 balls), Adam Palmer 17 (58 balls) |
38.6 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
38.5 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
38.4 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
38.3 | Tom Reid to Adam Palmer, single | |
38.2 | Tom Reid to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
38.1 | Tom Reid to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
| Change of bowling, Tom Reid coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 38 (4 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 187 for 4, Alex Clemo 55 (69 balls), Adam Palmer 16 (55 balls) |
37.6 | Andy Beck to Alex Clemo, 2 runs | |
37.5 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, single | |
37.4 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
37.3 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
37.2 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
37.1 | Andy Beck to Alex Clemo, single | |
| End of over 37 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 183 for 4, Adam Palmer 15 (51 balls), Alex Clemo 52 (67 balls) |
36.6 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
36.5 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
36.4 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
36.3 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
36.2 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
36.1 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, single | |
| End of over 36 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 182 for 4, Adam Palmer 15 (46 balls), Alex Clemo 51 (66 balls) |
35.6 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
35.5 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
35.4 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
35.3 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
35.2 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
35.1 | Andy Beck to Alex Clemo, single | |
| End of over 35 (6 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 181 for 4, Adam Palmer 15 (41 balls), Alex Clemo 50 (65 balls) |
34.6 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, single | |
34.6 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, 2 wides | |
34.5 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, single | |
34.4 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, single | |
34.3 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
34.2 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
34.1 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, single | |
| End of over 34 (7 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 175 for 4, Adam Palmer 14 (38 balls), Alex Clemo 47 (62 balls) |
33.6 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, FOUR | |
33.5 | Andy Beck to Alex Clemo, single | |
33.4 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, single | |
33.3 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
33.2 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
33.1 | Andy Beck to Alex Clemo, single | |
| End of over 33 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 168 for 4, Adam Palmer 9 (34 balls), Alex Clemo 45 (60 balls) |
32.6 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
32.5 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
32.4 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
32.4 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, 1 wide | |
32.3 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
32.2 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
32.1 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
| End of over 32 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 167 for 4, Alex Clemo 45 (60 balls), Adam Palmer 9 (28 balls) |
31.6 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, single | |
31.5 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
31.4 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
31.3 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
31.2 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
31.1 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
| End of over 31 (4 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 166 for 4, Alex Clemo 45 (60 balls), Adam Palmer 8 (22 balls) |
30.6 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, single | |
30.5 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, single | |
30.4 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, single | |
30.3 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
30.2 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, single | |
30.1 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
| End of over 30 (5 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 162 for 4, Adam Palmer 6 (19 balls), Alex Clemo 43 (57 balls) |
29.6 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
29.5 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, FOUR | |
29.4 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
29.3 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
29.2 | Andy Beck to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
29.1 | Andy Beck to Alex Clemo, single | |
| Change of bowling, Andy Beck coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 29 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 157 for 4, Adam Palmer 2 (14 balls), Alex Clemo 42 (56 balls) |
28.6 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
28.5 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
28.4 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
28.3 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
28.2 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, single | |
28.1 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
| End of over 28 (5 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 156 for 4, Adam Palmer 2 (10 balls), Alex Clemo 41 (54 balls) |
27.6 | Ashley Potter to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
27.5 | Ashley Potter to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
27.4 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, 3 runs | |
27.3 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
27.2 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
27.1 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, 2 runs | |
| End of over 27 (3 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 151 for 4, Adam Palmer 2 (8 balls), Alex Clemo 36 (50 balls) |
26.6 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, single | |
26.5 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
26.4 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
26.3 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
26.2 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
26.1 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, single | |
26.1 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, 1 wide | |
| End of over 26 (4 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 148 for 4, Alex Clemo 35 (45 balls), Adam Palmer 1 (7 balls) |
25.6 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, FOUR | |
25.5 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
25.4 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
25.3 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
25.2 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
25.1 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
| End of over 25 (2 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 144 for 4, Adam Palmer 1 (7 balls), Alex Clemo 31 (39 balls) |
24.6 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, single | |
24.5 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
24.4 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, single | |
24.3 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
24.2 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
24.1 | Lewis Shepherd to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
| End of over 24 (8 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 142 for 4, Alex Clemo 30 (37 balls), Adam Palmer 0 (3 balls) |
23.6 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, FOUR | |
23.5 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
23.4 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
23.3 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, 2 runs | |
23.3 | Ashley Potter to Adam Palmer, 2 wides | |
23.2 | Ashley Potter to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
23.1 | Ashley Potter to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
| End of over 23 (9 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 134 for 4, Alex Clemo 24 (33 balls), Adam Palmer 0 (1 ball) |
22.6 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, 2 runs | |
22.5 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, FOUR | |
22.5 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, 1 wide | |
22.4 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
22.3 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
22.2 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, 2 runs | |
22.1 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
| End of over 22 (6 runs, 1 wicket) | Glasshoughton CC 125 for 4, Adam Palmer 0 (1 ball), Alex Clemo 16 (27 balls) |
21.6 | Ashley Potter to Adam Palmer, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is Adam Palmer | |
21.5 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, OUT | Craig Bryant bowled Ashley Potter 54, 75 mins, 50 balls, 6x4, 2x6 |
21.4 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, 2 runs | |
21.3 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, FOUR | |
21.2 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
21.1 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
| End of over 21 (2 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 119 for 3, Alex Clemo 16 (27 balls), Craig Bryant 48 (45 balls) |
20.6 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
20.5 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
20.4 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
20.3 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
20.2 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, 2 runs | |
20.1 | Lewis Shepherd to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
| Change of bowling, Lewis Shepherd coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 20 (17 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 117 for 3, Craig Bryant 48 (45 balls), Alex Clemo 14 (21 balls) |
19.6 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
19.5 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, FOUR | |
19.4 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, SIX | |
19.4 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, 2 no balls | |
19.3 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, FOUR | |
19.2 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
19.1 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, single | |
| End of over 19 (8 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 100 for 3, Alex Clemo 10 (18 balls), Craig Bryant 37 (41 balls) |
18.6 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, FOUR | |
18.5 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
18.4 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, FOUR | |
18.3 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
18.2 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
18.1 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
| End of over 18 (8 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 92 for 3, Craig Bryant 37 (41 balls), Alex Clemo 2 (12 balls) |
17.6 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
17.5 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, single | |
17.4 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, single | |
17.3 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
17.2 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
17.1 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, SIX | |
| End of over 17 (7 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 84 for 3, Alex Clemo 1 (11 balls), Craig Bryant 30 (36 balls) |
16.6 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, single | |
16.5 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
16.4 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, FOUR | |
16.3 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, single | |
16.2 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
16.1 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, single | |
| End of over 16 (5 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 77 for 3, Alex Clemo 0 (9 balls), Craig Bryant 24 (32 balls) |
15.6 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
15.5 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
15.4 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, single | |
15.3 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
15.2 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
15.1 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, FOUR | |
| End of over 15 (0 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 72 for 3, Alex Clemo 0 (7 balls), Craig Bryant 19 (28 balls) |
14.6 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
14.5 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
14.4 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
14.3 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
14.2 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
14.1 | Tom Reid to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
| End of over 14 (5 runs, 1 wicket) | Glasshoughton CC 72 for 3, Craig Bryant 19 (28 balls), Alex Clemo 0 (1 ball) |
13.6 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
13.6 | Ashley Potter to Craig Bryant, 1 wide | |
13.6 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, 2 wides | |
13.5 | Ashley Potter to Alex Clemo, dot ball | |
| The incoming batsman is Alex Clemo | |
13.4 | Ashley Potter to Chris Sherriff, OUT | Chris Sherriff bowled Ashley Potter 28, 31 mins, 30 balls, 4x4, 1x6 |
13.3 | Ashley Potter to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
13.2 | Ashley Potter to Chris Sherriff, 2 runs | |
13.1 | Ashley Potter to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
| Change of bowling, Ashley Potter coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 13 (13 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 67 for 2, Craig Bryant 19 (27 balls), Chris Sherriff 26 (26 balls) |
12.6 | Tom Reid to Chris Sherriff, single | |
12.5 | Tom Reid to Chris Sherriff, FOUR | |
12.4 | Tom Reid to Chris Sherriff, FOUR | |
12.4 | Tom Reid to Chris Sherriff, 1 wide | |
12.3 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, single | |
12.2 | Tom Reid to Chris Sherriff, single | |
12.1 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, single | |
| End of over 12 (7 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 54 for 2, Chris Sherriff 16 (22 balls), Craig Bryant 17 (25 balls) |
11.6 | Luke Selwood to Chris Sherriff, 2 runs | |
11.5 | Luke Selwood to Chris Sherriff, FOUR | |
11.4 | Luke Selwood to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
11.3 | Luke Selwood to Craig Bryant, single | |
11.2 | Luke Selwood to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
11.1 | Luke Selwood to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
| End of over 11 (3 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 47 for 2, Chris Sherriff 10 (19 balls), Craig Bryant 16 (22 balls) |
10.6 | Tom Reid to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
10.5 | Tom Reid to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
10.4 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, single | |
10.3 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
10.2 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
10.1 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, 2 runs | |
| End of over 10 (5 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 44 for 2, Chris Sherriff 10 (17 balls), Craig Bryant 13 (18 balls) |
9.6 | Luke Selwood to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
9.5 | Luke Selwood to Chris Sherriff, FOUR | |
9.4 | Luke Selwood to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
9.3 | Luke Selwood to Craig Bryant, single | |
9.2 | Luke Selwood to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
9.1 | Luke Selwood to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
| End of over 9 (8 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 39 for 2, Chris Sherriff 6 (14 balls), Craig Bryant 12 (15 balls) |
8.6 | Tom Reid to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
8.5 | Tom Reid to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
8.4 | Tom Reid to Chris Sherriff, SIX | |
8.3 | Tom Reid to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
8.2 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, single | |
8.2 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, 1 wide | |
8.1 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
| End of over 8 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 31 for 2, Chris Sherriff 0 (10 balls), Craig Bryant 11 (13 balls) |
7.6 | Luke Selwood to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
7.5 | Luke Selwood to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
7.4 | Luke Selwood to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
7.3 | Luke Selwood to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
7.2 | Luke Selwood to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
7.1 | Luke Selwood to Craig Bryant, single | |
| End of over 7 (1 run, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 30 for 2, Chris Sherriff 0 (5 balls), Craig Bryant 10 (12 balls) |
6.6 | Tom Reid to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
6.5 | Tom Reid to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
6.4 | Tom Reid to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
6.3 | Tom Reid to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
6.2 | Tom Reid to Chris Sherriff, dot ball | |
6.1 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, single | |
| End of over 6 (0 runs, 1 wicket) | Glasshoughton CC 29 for 2, Chris Sherriff 0 (0 balls), Craig Bryant 9 (11 balls) |
| The incoming batsman is Chris Sherriff | |
5.6 | Luke Selwood to Liam Hopton, OUT | Liam Hopton stumped David Clayton bowled Luke Selwood 7, 20 mins, 17 balls, 0x4, 1x6 |
5.5 | Luke Selwood to Liam Hopton, dot ball | |
5.4 | Luke Selwood to Liam Hopton, dot ball | |
5.3 | Luke Selwood to Liam Hopton, dot ball | |
5.2 | Luke Selwood to Liam Hopton, dot ball | |
5.1 | Luke Selwood to Liam Hopton, dot ball | |
| End of over 5 (9 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 29 for 1, Craig Bryant 9 (11 balls), Liam Hopton 7 (11 balls) |
4.6 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, FOUR | |
4.5 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
4.4 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
4.3 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, FOUR | |
4.2 | Tom Reid to Liam Hopton, single | |
4.1 | Tom Reid to Liam Hopton, dot ball | |
| End of over 4 (0 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 20 for 1, Craig Bryant 1 (7 balls), Liam Hopton 6 (9 balls) |
3.6 | Luke Selwood to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
3.5 | Luke Selwood to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
3.4 | Luke Selwood to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
3.3 | Luke Selwood to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
3.2 | Luke Selwood to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
3.1 | Luke Selwood to Craig Bryant, dot ball | |
| End of over 3 (7 runs, 1 wicket) | Glasshoughton CC 20 for 1, Liam Hopton 6 (9 balls), Craig Bryant 1 (1 ball) |
2.6 | Tom Reid to Liam Hopton, dot ball | |
2.5 | Tom Reid to Liam Hopton, SIX | |
2.4 | Tom Reid to Craig Bryant, single | |
| The incoming batsman is Craig Bryant | |
2.3 | Tom Reid to Rob Sperrin, OUT | Rob Sperrin caught David Clayton bowled Tom Reid 13, 8 mins, 8 balls, 0x4, 2x6 |
2.2 | Tom Reid to Rob Sperrin, dot ball | |
2.1 | Tom Reid to Rob Sperrin, dot ball | |
| End of over 2 (13 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 13 for 0, Liam Hopton 0 (7 balls), Rob Sperrin 13 (5 balls) |
1.6 | Luke Selwood to Liam Hopton, dot ball | |
1.5 | Luke Selwood to Rob Sperrin, single | |
1.4 | Luke Selwood to Rob Sperrin, SIX | |
1.3 | Luke Selwood to Rob Sperrin, SIX | |
1.2 | Luke Selwood to Rob Sperrin, dot ball | |
1.1 | Luke Selwood to Rob Sperrin, dot ball | |
| Change of bowling, Luke Selwood coming on to bowl | |
| End of over 1 (0 runs, 0 wickets) | Glasshoughton CC 0 for 0, Liam Hopton 0 (6 balls), Rob Sperrin 0 (0 balls) |
0.6 | Tom Reid to Liam Hopton, dot ball | |
0.5 | Tom Reid to Liam Hopton, dot ball | |
0.4 | Tom Reid to Liam Hopton, dot ball | |
0.3 | Tom Reid to Liam Hopton, dot ball | |
0.2 | Tom Reid to Liam Hopton, dot ball | |
0.1 | Tom Reid to Liam Hopton, dot ball | |
| Match started at 13:07 | |
| Tom Reid will open the bowling | |
| Change of bowling, Tom Reid coming on to bowl | |
| Liam Hopton will take strike, Rob Sperrin is the non-striker | |
| Glasshoughton CC won the toss and chose to bat | |
| Match created at 13:05 | |